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Selasa, 07 Februari 2012

Februari 07
Teknologi Injeksi Yamaha : Semakin di Depan Teknologinya, Semakin di Depan Sosialnya

Teknologi Injeksi Yamaha : Semakin di Depan Teknologinya, Semakin di Depan Sosialnya Pada hari minggu (5/2) pagi  yang lalu, saya menggayuh sepeda untuk mencari makan ke warteg langganan, sebentar saya sempatkan diri untuk  memompa ban depan dan belakang di salah satu bengkel sederhana di pinggir jalan. Maklum sepeda pinjaman, sehingga saya pun juga harus bertanggung jawab jika ada kerusakan. Belakangan ini, karena cukup sering...
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Kamis, 13 Oktober 2011

Oktober 13
Entepreneurial Education in The United States Versus Entrepreneurial Education in Indonesia

Entepreneurial Education in The United States Versus Entrepreneurial Education in Indonesia             All activities that have correlation amomg, creativity, leadership and inovation are entrepreneurship. As we know that entreprise activity in a country shows how development of a contry is. There are so many indicators to differenciate or categorize country into some levels, the...
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Oktober 13
YouTube as a Golden Storage

YouTube as a Golden Storage In this global era, so many people are closing with the internet. Internet provides a lot of things that we need, such as information, social network and the others. Beside that, internet is not an expensive thing now. Based on the data from Departement of Telecomunication United Nations, a number of internet users are 2 billion people in 2011. It means that internet is absolutely needed to support people’s life. Book was said as the window of the world, but since internet that have been united thousand of computers appeared in 1980’s, people are moving book as a the storage of knowledge. Although we have to still...
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